Biopure SPF 50 Sunblock 45gm
Biopure SPF 50 Sunblock 45gm
Product Name: Biopure SPF 50 Sunblock
Product Form: Sunblock
Pack Size: 45gm
Ingredients: Alafon Taum Dinde Maronized Ze Oude, Vitamin E, Sashaga Sarmentosa Extract, Canca Papay Fruit Extract Padum Gusma Frit Extract Catepol, Octymetrycnna-mate Odocryleme, Avcberzone Moned Acrylamide Sodium Acryiodimethyturate apelymel insohexadecane, Tartaric Acid Doodum EDTA, Sodium Metabout Garin, Butylene Glycol, Sodium Arcylate Caprylic Traycande, Triethanolamine, Sodium Chende Preservative Fragrance & Delonized Water.
Manufactured By: Nigehban Pharma
Usage: Apply evenly on your face, neck, arms legs and other parts of the body regularly. 15 minutes before going out in sun or as needed. For effective results, daily use is recommended.
Warning & Precautions: Do not apply on open wounds or burn skin.
Caution: Pharmacy Skin Care suggest prescription/consultation with registered medical practitioner before use of any medicine. In case of any allergy or reaction please stop use of the product and consult your doctor immediately.